Tuesday 21 May 2013

Final Preparations

You would think that setting off in an 8 foot camper would be as easy as picking up groceries and filling the tank with diesel, wouldn't you?  Alas, some magical force of nature has conspired to make both Norbert and I obsessive-compulsive, and we somehow have filled the last month with ToDo lists that grow rather than diminish.  One job leads to 7 more.  Borrowing an inflatable boat requires inflating it in the garden, cleaning, sea trials, engine jiggery-pokery, repacking, fixing engine mount in truck, finding gas container, buying motor oil, stowing oars, finding life jackets, testing motor, repeat from step one.... 

In the midst of the frenzy of cleaning, stowing, finding, losing, etc. we noticed Buddy seemed increasingly out of sorts.  Then he was drinking copious and unreasonable amounts of water.  Then he was making copious and unreasonable amounts of pee.  Then the penny dropped - he's developed diabetes!  Several days with the vet, various expensive tests and medications later, he's still not back to normal, but he's not peeing on the floor at least!  And we're now dedicated to a cycle of giving insulin injections twice a day.  Who'd a thunk it? 

Luckily we have a wonderful house sitter, Yanting Qiu, who will be amply able to look after Buddy this summer.  He is definitely not up to travel any more, and he'll be happier being at home, spoiled by Yanting.   Those of you nearby, please feel free to come by and introduce yourselves to her.  She's a delightful graduate student from China, very interesting and with a fascinating perspective on her home country. 

So we may be close to take off at last.  I think today's ToDo list may be the last, although I know I'll have added 20 things and only crossed off 4 by tonight.  But I think we'd better just assume we'll manage without whatever remains when the week runs out, and get on the road at last.  Summer won't wait, and neither should we. 

Please join us as we travel north, send us your comments or suggestions, and pass along our blog to any friends who might be interested.  I know it will be a wonderful journey, and I want to share it with you. 


  1. Can't wait to follow your journey and looking forward to seeing some great pictures. We will miss you both. Yasmin & Omar

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. No doubt you're away by now. Wishing you the happiest of adventures and looking forward to your excellent photos and prose. See you in September!
